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Re: Incorporating (( $+commands[foo] )) into a larger "if" statement

On Aug 5,  6:00pm, TJ Luoma wrote:
} if (( $+commands[foo] ))

$+commands[foo] is either 1 (commands[foo] is set) or 0 (not set).

The (( )) are a math context evaluation, so (( 1 )) is true.  This
whole expression is a single shell command, so it can be used in any
position that an ordinary shell command can be used.

Thus to use this with other tests, you can either:

- Combine the test forms with && or || like:

    if (( $+commands[growlnotify] )) && [ "`pgrep -x Growl`" != "" ]

- Test for 1 or 0 within the ordinary test such as:

    if [ $+commands[growlnotify] = 1 -a "`pgrep -x Growl`" != "" ]

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