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Re: easy

On 09/23/2015 12:45 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote:
}      $ test () {  echo @[2,-1]; }

Presume you're missing a $ in $@ there ...
}      $ test one two three four five
}       two three four five

If you grasp that indexing from the left starts at one rather than
at zero, why is it not "intuitive" that indexing from the right also
starts at (negative) one rather than zero?
Ah. I was trying to make sense of it as 'subtract one element from the end'. Which would make more sense as 'subtract zero elements from the end' (in this case). But as 'echo from the second element from the left up to the first element from the right', then '-1' is not a 'subtraction' rather it is the last element AKA the first element from the right.

Perfectly logical as I thought it would be. Tx. Once you see the logic in something you can never forget it cuz it makes sense, as that does. Actually that's much better anyway because both numbers are indices rather than one being an index
and one being a mathematical operation.  Just hafta remember that the dash
does not mean subtraction, rather it means index from the right.

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