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zcurses scrolling


I'm experimenting with mouse input and getting strange results with the scrolling wheel. If I grab input like this:

    zcurses input status key keypad

... then the scroll wheel returns either 'UP' or 'DOWN' in '$keypad'. So it simulates the arrow keys, which is logical and it works fine. However, when I attempt to handle mouse events explicitly:

    zcurses input status key keypad mouse

... things change.  Now, if I scroll up:

    $keypad is 'MOUSE' and
    $mouse is  '0 40 18 0 PRESSED4'

... but if I scroll down:

    $keypad is 'MOUSE' and
    $mouse is  [unset]

So if I want to capture mouse clicks (which is working fine) then I'm not able to capture scrolling down, tho I can capture scrolling up.

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