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Re: How completions work, do they require fpath?

On Jan 26,  8:51pm, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
} Subject: Re: How completions work, do they require fpath?
} So this suggests that if there is Base sub directory in $_compdir, it
} will be used by completion. Tested this and that's true. Quite
} contradict to manual which says:

No, it doesn't contradict the manual.  The check for a directory named
"Base" is to distinguish "configure --enable-function-subdirs" from the
default configuration which is to avoid creating subdirectories.  If
the "Base" directory is present it's expected to contain all the
files from Completion/Base/ in the source tree, and although the
explicit check is not done the directories AIX/, BSD/, Cygwin/, etc.
are also expected to be found within $_compdir in that case.

This is NOT an indication that you can co-opt these directories for
plugins, nor is it "safe" to run compinit more than once with a new
value of $_compdir -- I'm fairly sure you will mangle, or misuse, or
both, the ~/.zcompdump file if you do so.

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