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Bug in bracketed-paste-magic


I'm developing an autosuggest plugin at
https://github.com/tarruda/zsh-autosuggestions and have been looking into
an issue (#102 in that repo) that occurs when bracketed-paste-magic is
enabled. I've tracked it down to the `bracketed-paste-magic` function
making a call to `zle` without the `-w` flag. It seems to me this is a bug
in bracketed-paste-magic- that it should be using the `-w` flag to set
$WIDGET and associated parameters when invoking a possibly user-defined
widget. Would adding the `-w` flag here possibly break anything else?

I'm not very familiar with the best way to get this patched, but I've
forked the repo on GitHub and pushed a commit that adds the `-w` flag. It's
available at

The relevant github issue for my plugin:

Eric Freese

P.S. Another concern (though it's really a separate issue) is the `zle
undo` later in the file. Shouldn't that be `zle .undo` to avoid any
potential problems arising from the `undo` widget being overridden by a
user-defined widget?

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