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virtual files?

Here is a program I just wrote.

Feel free to comment on any part.

However my specific question is, instead of using the
"result_file" stuff, is there support for
I suppose "virtual files" or basically a data structure
that can be used transparently as a file, or with but
small adjustments?


#! /bin/zsh

# This file: http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/conf/.zsh/money

# zsh CLI to Internet inflation calculator.
# Try, for example, three K2 expeditions:
#     $ inflation 9000 1938; inflation 30958.33 1953; inflation 108000 1954
# which yields:
#     $151,999.15
#     $276,111.20
#     $956,069.00

inflation () {
    local usd=${1:-10}

    # year
    local then=${2:-1950}
    local now=`date +"%Y"`

    local result_file=result

    local link="http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=$usd&year1=$then&year2=$now";
    wget -q $link -O $result_file

    echo -n \$
    grep \"answer\" $result_file | cut -d \$ -f 2 | cut -d \< -f 1

    rm $result_file

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