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Re: adding configtest to service httpd options

Bart Schaefer wrote on Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 15:44:22 -0700:
> This is a situation in which a "good enough" generic completion was
> created and special cases are *way* outside of what it covers; there
> is no simple correction.

It would have been possible to use the 'fake' style to add the
'cnofigtest' completion if the service name ("httpd") were in the
context; but it is not:

    % service httpd <_complete_help>
    tags in context :completion::complete:service::
        argument-rest  (_arguments _service)

- Perhaps the context should be ...:service-httpd:... ?

- Alternatively, does CentOS provide some kind of help output listing
  the valid commands?  On some OSes, «/etc/init.d/${service}
  invalidargument» does that.

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