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Re: sudo user-command-1; also-sudoed-command-2

"Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov (ZyX)"
<kp-pav@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Why should it read zshrc without -i? If I am
> not mistaking using `sudo zsh -ic "…"` should
> be enough (assuming sudo keeps both $HOME and
> $ZDOTDIR, I do not remember this).

My neither, but anyway it doesn't work, at
least not here:

    $ sudo zsh -ic 'll /'


    zsh:1: command not found: ll

> (changed `$=` to `$(z)`). This will not run
> cycles though.

OK, done.

> You may change zudo-f to
> ```zsh zudo-f () { emulate -L zsh sudo
> ZDOTDIR="${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}" zsh -ic "$1" } ```
> , but this has different downside: if alias or
> function was defined in user configuration
> everything may be fine. But if it was defined
> in the interactive session, it will not be
> used. Also this is going to be slower then
> your variant.

None of that is a problem to me, so let's see -
like this?

    zzzudo () {
        emulate -L zsh sudo ZDOTDIR="${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}" zsh -ic "$1"

If so, no:

    zzzudo:emulate:1: unknown argument sudo

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