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Re: Shift-Insert overwrites ZLE CUTBUFFER

Oliver Kiddle wrote on Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 16:56:54 +0100:
> On 27 Oct, Bart wrote:
> If Daniel's documentation from 22036 is applied, it should probably
> also mention that in vi mode, it allows a register to be specified
> to capture a paste. In that case, the text isn't inserted.

It had already been applied.  Here's a shot at the new text; feel free
to just discard it and commit something else (that'd be easier than
doing iterations on list).

It uses the term "register" as in your email and in Vim, however, that
term occurs only once in zshzle(1).



diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/zle.yo b/Doc/Zsh/zle.yo
index 64bfcc2..63f673b 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/zle.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/zle.yo
@@ -2175,9 +2175,12 @@ item(tt(bracketed-paste))(
 This widget is invoked when text is pasted to the terminal emulator. It
 is not intended to be bound to actual keys but instead to the special
 sequence generated by the terminal emulator when text is pasted.
-The pasted text is inserted to the buffer and placed in the cutbuffer.
+When invoked interactively, the pasted text is inserted to the buffer.
 If a numeric argument is given, shell quoting will be applied to the
 pasted text before it is inserted.
+The text is also placed in the cutbuffer, or in the specified register
+(tt("x) in vi mode).
 When called from a widget function as `tt(bracketed-paste) var(name)`, the
 pasted text is assigned to the variable var(name) and no other processing is

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