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Re: newbie rm --^file question

On Dec 25,  7:22pm, Hoji, Akihiko wrote:
} setopt extended glob

If you literally did that, you should have gotten an error message; there
is no option named "extended" although there is one named "glob".

You can use underscores or hyphens between words (actually, between any
two letters) in option names, but not spaces.

setopt extendedglob
setopt extended_glob
setopt extended-glob
setopt EX_tend-ed_GLOB

} rm -rf -^file.ext.*

Is there a space missing there between the second "-" and the "^" ?  Or
do the files you want to remove really have names beginning with "-" ?

} I would appreciate a poster as to what I am doing wrong. 

Other than misplaced spacing, you seem to have it; see Gabor's example.

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