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Re: Disabling prompt refresh

This is perfect for my needs. Thank you, Bart.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 6:54 PM, Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> On Feb 13,  3:31pm, Jesper Nygards wrote:
> }
> } Is there a way to either disable the prompt refresh while the message is
> } displayed, or, alternatively, to redisplay the message after a prompt
> } refresh?
> The simplest approach might be to not use "zle -M" at all:
>   _show_dirs() {
>     POSTDISPLAY=$'\n'"${$(dirs -vl)//$'\t'/  }"
>   }
> To answer your question, though -- you would need to have the functions
> coordinate somehow, e.g.:
>   typeset -gH _prompt_message
>   _show_dirs() {
>     _prompt_message="${$(dirs -vl)//$'\t'/  }"
>     zle -M "_prompt_message"
>   }
>   schedprompt() {
>     emulate -L zsh
>     zmodload -i zsh/sched
>     integer i=${"${(@)zsh_scheduled_events#*:*:}"[(I)schedprompt]}
>     (( i )) && sched -$i
>     zle && zle reset-prompt &&
>     [[ -n $_prompt_message ]] && zle -M "$_prompt_message"
>     sched +30 schedprompt
>   }
>   clear-prompt-message() {
>     _prompt_message=
>   }
>   autoload add-zsh-hook
>   add-zsh-hook precmd clear-prompt-message
> (I'm guessing schedprompt is also a precmd hook but didn't want to assume.)
> You could instead in schedprompt do
>     [[ -z $_prompt_message ]] && zle && zle reset-prompt
> to disable the redraw.

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