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Problem with dir names containing spaces and parentheses

Suppose I have the following .zshrc:

# ===============================
autoload -U compinit; compinit

zstyle ':completion:*' path-completion false

mkdir -p /tmp/a\ \(test\)/{foo,bar}
# ===============================

If I type 'cd /tmp/a\ \(test\)/<tab>', I get no suggestions, although both
'foo' and 'bar' should be candidates. It seems that with this style set to
false, dir names with space and parentheses effectively blocks completions
for content under the problematic directory.

I get the same result with this zstyle instead of the previous one (or with
both together):

zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact true

This style also makes it impossible to get completion below '/tmp/a\

Is it something else that need to be configured?

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