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Re: allow zsh to source a script and then become interactive

14.04.2017, 19:57, "Anthony Fletcher" <anthony@xxxxxxxx>:
> This is an oldie but goodie that I don't have a solution to. How can I
> invoke a zsh that sources a particular file (not the standard start up
> files) and then become interactive, preserving functions, etc?
> This is akin to the ksh invocation:
>  ENV=startup ksh
> or bash's
>  bash --rcfile startup
> One solution was covered in 2005 by Bart: see
> http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2005/msg00600.html However this only works
> if you can change the .zshrc file.
> Another alternative is to create a custom .zshrc in a temporary
> directory and set the environment variable ZDOTDIR. But this is a little
> clunky.
> I look after an increasing disparate collection of systems and I'd
> like to launch a customised zsh on a remote system without changing
> anything ahead of time.
> Any ideas or should we propose a --rcfile option to zsh?
>                 Anthony.

I tried to play with `ENV==(<<< $'emulate zsh\necho abc') ARGV0=sh zsh`, but apparently this does not work: e.g. I do not see `$path` variable in this case, though I do see `abc`. Guess $ENV is too late to switch emulation mode and have all necessary initialization steps be performed.

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