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Re: issues when coloring only descriptions in menu list

On Apr 17,  7:02pm, apfelsinenhain@xxxxxx wrote:
} I wanted to have a different colour for the per-match descriptions in 
} the menu list, but I can't get it to work in all cases.
}   > zstyle ':completion:*' list-separator "XX"
}   > zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors '=XX*=31'
}    - `a -<tab>`  WILL show color
}    - `a --<tab>` will NOT show color

I'm puzzled why the FIRST of those cases works, because I would expect
you to need this:

    zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors '=(#b)*(XX*)=0=31'

which does work for both cases.  Something about having both --first
and -f as matches is causing the "display string" against which the
pattern is compared to start only after the two columns of matches,
whereas when there is only a single column of matches each full line
becomes one "display string".

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