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Re: Why sourcing a file is not faster than doing a loop with eval, zle -N

17.06.2017 o 16:06:59, Bart Schaefer (schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) napisał:
> You might get faster parsing if you setopt noaliases. Just a thought,
> can't try it​ right now.

I tried it. I think there's no change. Setup that reads ~/.fsh_cache is 0.414 vs 0.417 (noaliases). Before I've given time 0.432, but there was single large value 0.599, so I now summed 9 numbers, and divided by 9 (giving 0.414).

Just to remind, normal time is 0.396 (0.389 in second test).

Time for zcompiled ~/.fsh_cache is 0.375 in new test (previous: 0.383). So it's 20 ms compared to slower normal read 0.396. Almost reached the goal of 40 ms. For someone having startup time 200-250 ms the 40 ms would matter.

Sebastian Gniazdowski
psprint /at/ zdharma.org

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