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random once but not twice

Just wrote this. Strange thing is, random-video
gives me randomized files, but not
play-random-video, which is just an interface -
or that the intention, at least :)

Can anyone figure out what is going on?

All other suggestions how to improve the code,
both style and function, is appreciated, as

random-video () {
    local vid_dir=${1:-.}
    local ext=${2:-mkv}

    local vid
    local -a vids
    local num_vids
    local vid_num

    vids=("${(@f)$(ls ${vid_dir}/*.${ext})}")

    vid_num=$(( RANDOM % $num_vids + 1 ))

    echo $vid
alias rv=random-video

play-random-video () {
    local vid_dir=${1:-/mnt-disk/mm/survivor/au/04}
    local vid
    vid=$(random-video $vid_dir)
    echo "playing $vid"
    # pl $vid # local function to omx player
alias prv=play-random-video

underground experts united

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