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Re: command on switching terminals?

On 06/01/18 02:20 PM, Mikael Magnusson wrote:

Thanks Mikael, I'll play with that and let you know.
You can, yes. Note that if a program was running in the foreground,
zsh won't know if the terminal is active or not once that program
finishes though. I have never found a practical use for this.

What I want to do is pretty esoteric, if I execute my command " c 12 " I want focus to jump to xterm #12 (which already works fine) but also 'cd' xterm #12 to the current directory in the xterm I just jumped from.  Of course any sort of 'cd' command in the same function but after the jump continues to be executed in the original xterm, thus I'll want some way of detecting the change in focus. It's smartassy but should be educational to fool around with.

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