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Re: alias hygiene

On 17/02/18 06:10 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote:
} Show me one that I can understand

Daniel tried to do so a few messages ago, in users/23134.
Yeah, I'll chew on that anyway, but I thought it might be ad hoc, so I'm angling for something actually in play so I can see how it works by fiddling with it.  As I always
say, if it ain't broke, break it, then you find out how it works ;-)
You create a
widget with either "zle -N" (which sets up the internals for a "normal"
widget and attaches the name) or "zle -C" (which sets up internals for
completion and names it).
Ok, that's what I wasn't getting with Daniel's example.  So these things really are a unique functionality, I'd not be calling some function I wrote a widget 'cuz I think its cute.  Thanks Bart, that gives me an honest start.

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