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Re: alias of completion

On Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 01:08:09PM +0100, m0viefreak wrote:
> You could modify CURRENT and words in a custom completion function and
> then just call _normal ("docker ls" is one word more than
> "mydockerwrapper"):
> _mydockerwrapper() {
>   ((CURRENT++))
>   words=(docker ls "${words[@]:1}")
>   _normal
> }
> compdef _mydockerwrapper mydockerwrapper

Holy hell, you don't know how long I've been trying to figure out
exactly that (but with systemctl instead of docker). At one point
I even to screw up so badly that when I did `scrs <TAB>` my computer
simply rebooted itself. Dumbfounded, I immediately tested it again
as soon as my OS booted to make sure I wasn't going crazy and (as you
probably saw coming from a mile away) promptly rebooted my computer
with another fateful <Tab>.

But this works *perfectly*.

I didn't ask the original question, but nonetheless thank you!

Joey Pabalinas

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