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Anyone wants to join Zsh-Suite project, tools with integrations for Zsh software development

I was just about to create a zsh-suite project, or zsh-IDE, with
author of zunit, an unit testing framework, but he apparently has
withdrawn. Has anyone a testing framework or other project that could
be part of a "zsh-suite" – tools, with integrations, for Zsh software
development? I have Zshelldoc, a Doxygen-like tool, and custom ctags,
that recognize Zsh source with its syntax and through modelines not
only .sh/.zsh extension, and works at prompt:
https://asciinema.org/a/188607. I know author of Zshdb, a debugger
(I've tested it, works), but didn't speak with him yet as he said he
is not a Zsh user.

I recently wrote bash script and utilized BATS and it was nice to have
tests working in about 5 minutes. A nice unit tests framework would be
best to add to the Zsh-Suite, but other tools are also needed. It
would be then possible to do some integrations of the tools, and in
effect writing a test script would be an elevated thing, with
methodology, kind of IDE (integrated development environment). I've
registered "zsh-suite" Github organization.
Sebastian Gniazdowski
News: https://twitter.com/ZdharmaI
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