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Re: visual line movement

Peter Stephenson wrote on Fri, 27 Jul 2018 09:30 +0100:
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 03:10:37 -0400
> Anthony Heading <anthony@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Is there a good way to make zle up-/down-line etc operate visually,
> > i.e. have the cursor position move across wrapped lines on the screen
> > rather than considering only embedded '\n's in the buffer?   I'm
> > guessing not, but would like to be sure.
> Unless I'm missing something, it's not possible without adding a
> separate calculation of where the lines on screen will go.  The
> function that redraws the screen keeps its information separately from
> the body of ZLE and, although it does remember what it's put where,
> there's no mapping between the screen lines and the logical data to
> refer to.

A workaround is to use edit-command-line:


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