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multibyte implementation (for filename completion with umlauts)

Another question from the past:  :-)

Back in 2011 we found that a filename with umlauts (öäü) can't be completed
case insensitively because zsh can't handle multibyte characters correctly
because it's a pretty complex issue:

Ever since then I live with it more or less happily.  All I could find
today in the docs is a TODO entry:
 * support for multibyte characters, including UTF-8

So I suppose the multibyte problem in the completion code is still there, right?

Actually, all I'd like to achieve is case insensitivity for umlauts like that:
 zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{A-ZÄÖÜa-zäöü}={a-zäöüA-ZÄÖÜ}

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!

 The pre-release of the alpha for the forthcoming beta of the
 pre-build of the next point release should be out tonight.  (Graeme Devine)

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