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Re: How to obtain a simple use-case: redirect filtered data into file, unfiltered to the terminal?

On 2/7/19 8:12 AM, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a simple use-case that I would want to implement:
> 1. There is an application that outputs colorized logs.
> 2. I want the logs to go into a file (say `operation.log') filtered,
> i.e. without colors.
> 3. But at the same time still go to the terminal unfiltered.
> 4. I want the application to have a positive response from the
> iatty(1) function, i.e. that the application is thinking that the
> output is to the terminal (well, it really *is*, it's just that it.
> *also* goes to the file).

Implement logging in the application.

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