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How to sort _arguments?

My application has arguments which are grouped semantically

./app --argB --argII --arg2 --argA --argI --arg1
where the groups would be:
1: argA, argI and arg1
2: argB, argII and arg2

Is it possible to group the _arguments array in the same manner?

completing group 1

completing group 2

The default setting seems to be

alphabetically sorted without grouping

I understand that the "group" concept in zsh completion is more like a
exclusion component?!

Some expiriments lead to the idea of

zstyle ':completion:*' tag-order \
    'options:-group1:group1 options
     options:-group2:group2 options'
zstyle ':completion:*:options-group1' \
     ignored-patterns '--arg(2|II|B)'
zstyle ':completion:*:options-group2' \
     ignored-patterns '--arg(1|I|A)'

But that seems to be a rather odd way of accomplishing this..

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