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Re: A method to not leak unneeded functions

On Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 23:18, Sebastian Gniazdowski
<sgniazdowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there any way to speed this up?

Uhm, the solution is pretty obvious - to use a global ef-parameter. It
doesn't even need to be leaked outside the function - example snippet
for a `zpview' project:

typeset -g zpview_ef
zpview_ef=( ${(k)functions} )
trap "unset -f -- \"\${(k)functions[@]:|zpview_ef}\" &>/dev/null;
unset zpview_ef" EXIT
trap "unset -f -- \"\${(k)functions[@]:|zpview_ef}\" &>/dev/null;
unset zpview_ef; return 1" INT

As said, the method is fully instant, it takes only 1 ms to do the unset.
Sebastian Gniazdowski
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