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When _alternative separates the options?

when writing:


I've had a problem: the options given to _alternative were merged
together, i.e. it was looking like this:

zunit options
zunit command
--allow-risky      -- Supress warnings generated for risky tests
init  -- Bootstrap zunit in a new project

instead of:

zunit options
--allow-risky      -- Supress warnings generated for risky tests
zunit command
init  -- Bootstrap zunit in a new project

However, the problem resolved itself when I've separated the options
from the form:

"--help,-h":"Output help text and exit"

to the form:

"--help":"Output help text and exit"
"-h":"Output help text and exit"

in the array. I would now like to separate the directories and plugins
in the following _alternative call:


How to do this?

Sebastian Gniazdowski
News: https://twitter.com/ZdharmaI
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