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rxvt completion


I'm using zsh 5.6.2 on Slackware.

I noticed today while using rxvt, that the urxvt completion function
also includes rxvt:

#compdef rxvt urxvt urxvtc urxvt256c urxvt256cc urxvt256c-ml rxvt256c-mlc

The rxvt I have is:

Rxvt v2.7.10 - released: 26 MARCH 2003

And the options are different to urxvt, so using them give errors.

If I submit a patch for rxvt completion, would it be accepted, as it
would mean removing rxvt from _urxvt's compdef?

I'm guessing that some *nixes out there rename urxvt to rxvt?

Or is there a completer for rxvt out there already?



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