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Re: how to make zsh tab-complete $path after dot?

On 6 Dec, Timothee Cour wrote:
> echo $nim_devel_X.<TAB>
> nothing gets completed

That depends on your setup. A default setup will expand to both

> expected outcome:
> would suggest filename completions:
> $nim_devel_X.bak1
> $nim_devel_X.bak2

For that you would want to enable the _match completer. Completers are
configured through the completer style, e.g.:
  zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _match _complete

By default tab is bound to expand-or-complete which does some basic
expansion of things like globs. So you may need to redefine it to just
  bindkey "^I" complete-word

There's also an _expand completer which does expansion but where details
of how it works can be configured. For either of _match or _expand you
almost certainly want go through the documentation and configure the
relevant styles.


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