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Cryptsetup completion


For my own system I have modified the Zsh completion of cryptsetup to
include completion of the hash and cipher based upon those declared
available in /proc/crypto. I thought this might be useful for other
users, too, so I have included my changes below for your

<   '(-c --cipher)'{-c+,--cipher=}'[set cipher]:cipher specification' \
<   '(-h --hash)'{-h+,--hash=}'[hash algorithm]:hash algorithm' \
>   '(-c --cipher)'{-c+,--cipher=}'[set cipher]:cipher specification:_ciphers' \
>   '(-h --hash)'{-h+,--hash=}'[hash algorithm]:hash algorithm:_hashes' \
> _ciphers() {
> typeset -a cipher_list
> local line
> _call_program grep 'grep "^\(name\|type\)\s\+:" /proc/crypto | grep -B1 "^type\s\+:\s\+cipher" | grep "^name\s\+:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | uniq | sed "s/^ //"' | \
> while read -A line
> do
> cipher_list+=($line[1])
> done
> _describe -t ciphers 'cipher' cipher_list "$@"
> }
> _hashes() {
> typeset -a hash_list
> local line
> _call_program grep 'grep "^\(name\|type\)\s\+:" /proc/crypto | grep -B1 "^type\s\+:\s\+shash" | grep "^name\s\+:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | uniq | sed "s/^ //"' | \
> while read -A line
> do
> hash_list+=($line[1])
> done
> _describe -t hashes 'hash' hash_list "$@"
> }


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