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menu-select doesn't respect COMPLETE_IN_WORD option


I have COMPLETE_IN_WORD set, but menu-select doesn't respect it. In my

setopt completeinword
zmodload -i zsh/complist
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1


% ls dir/
bigfile bigfile1 smallfile
% ls dir/big_blahblah <where _ is the cursor position in the middle of the
text "bigblahblah" with no spaces, then execute menu-select>
No matches for: `files'

What I want to happen:
% ls dir/bigfile_blahblah <where _ is the cursor position>
bigfile bigfile1
(Then executing menu-select again switches to bigfile1 with the "blahblah"
part still appended:)
% ls dir/bigfile1_blahblah <where _ is the cursor position>
bigfile bigfile1

Is there any way to do this?



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