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Dynamic parameters for PROMPT_SUBST functions


I am trying to have a function call in my prompt that gets the return value of the last command as a parameter (%?).

However I am having trouble to get this right. Instead of an actual number, what is handed to the function is the literal string %?.

Is there anything I can do better or is this just not possible?

I could probably use $? in the function itself, but that sounds a bit fragile to me because I maybe get a different value of $?.

In this example I write the parameter to a file, because if I just print it it would get printed as a literal %? and expanded later and thus hide the issue I am facing

% zsh -f
% x(){print $1 >>/tmp/lll}
% PROMPT=$'$(x %?) %m%# '
 % cat /tmp/lll

Thanks for any hints.


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