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cml invocation vs script output diff

zsh vers: zsh 5.8 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Bug: Different results from command line, cml invocation, versus a zsh script file.
Test case to demostrate this follows:

I don't think that zsh is descending down into . prefixed directories in the script version even with a explict -a given as ls's argument.


mkdir .hiddendir
touch .hiddendir/tilde-file~

ls **/*~    Recursively find all tilde ending filenames starting with the cwd.

   This above works as it should, but,

 echo '#! /bin/zsh \n ls **/*~'   >lstildefiles
 chmod 700 lstildefiles

Doesn't work and returns:

	$ ./lstildefiles:2: no matches found: **/*~

This shouldn't happen.  Why does invoking the same command with the same agrumetns from within a script and the command line differ.  The script version is clearly not functioning properly in my opinion.  But I can't figure out why.  ?

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