On 2021-01-21 1:50 p.m., Bart Schaefer wrote:
Ah. Well it worked patched into my copy. I trust I've not busted something.My instruction was for patching the zsh source tree, not an installed location.
... and to the point, I can swap one of my functions for 'ls' and it seems seamless.That should "just work". You don't usually even need zargs for that: % ls -dl -- ${(f)"$(<filenames.txt)"}
You know, one sentence there and I finally get it. Why don't they tellya these things? All good, thanks Bart.The reason zargs exists is in case the above "ls" complains "argument list too long". In that case you can do % zargs -- ${(f)"$(<filenames.txt)"} -- ls -dl to break up the argument list into slices that "ls" will accept.