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Re: protect spaces and/or globs

> On Feb 11, 2021, at 11:31 AM, Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
>     arg="$1"
>     shift
>       grepargs+=( "$arg" )
>   done

Why are you still accreting grepargs like this? Peter has already
shown you how to do this.


Unless your actual code actually modifies the args before adding
them to the array?

> Seems cleaner, the single quotes are themselves protected or replaced so that
> it not only runs right, it looks right; on recall it is  visually exactly the same.

The command saved to history is correct, but it is not always exactly
what you entered.

	% grep_wrapper on\ the\ current i,2,light\ edit i,1,old\ stable 

	what should be going to history:
	grep --color=always -i -- 'on the current' 'i,2,light edit' 'i,1,old stable'


	% pat='on the current' foo='i,2,light edit' bar='i,1,old stable'
	% grep_wrapper $pat $foo $bar

	what should be going to history:
	grep --color=always -i -- 'on the current' 'i,2,light edit' 'i,1,old stable'


A ${(q-)foo} expansion basically re-quotes the value of foo so
it works correctly with eval, in whatever way is requested. It
doesn't know the value's origins.

> And is it not intuitive that, since single quotes already
> protect their string, if you add protection for the single
> quotes themselves, you then have a perfectly protected string?

That's not how quoting works. Quote levels don't nest to produce
some kind of super-quoting. You're misinterpreting the results of
your experimentation.

	% foo='a b c'
	% print -r 'protected: $foo'
	protected: $foo
	% print -r "'not protected: $foo'"
	'not protected: a b c'

The double quotes do protect the single quotes from being interpreted
by the shell, but they also permit expansions.


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