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Re: <Tab> completion does not insert a slash

On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 9:50 AM Peter Slížik <peter.slizik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It seems like the completion engine cannot choose between the named directory and a local directory of the same name. In reality, they point to the same dir.
> Is there a way to fix this behavior?

Yes.  The default is to offer all possible completions at the same
time, but you can change that with the tag-order zstyle.

The default behaves mostly like this:
zstyle :completion::complete:cd:: tag-order "local-directories
(all tags in the same space-separated string are offered at the same time)

What you want is more like this:
zstyle :completion::complete:cd:: tag-order local-directories named-directories

You can reverse the order if you prefer to see the named-directories first:
zstyle :completion::complete:cd:: tag-order named-directories local-directories

Anything in a tag you don't include in the list will be offered if
there are no results for the tags you do list.

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