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Select Whole, When There are Multiple Lines


I am using the following to select the whole line.

_select-whole-line() {
zle beginning-of-line
((REGION_ACTIVE)) || zle set-mark-command
zle end-of-line
zle -N _select-whole-line
bindkey '^A' _select-whole-line # Paste

It works well when there is a single line.

But when the prompt looks like:
% the_command established fact that a reader will
be distracted by the readable content of a page whe
n looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ips
um is that it has a more-or-less normal distributi

I mean when there are multiple lines on the prompt, the keybinding
only works for the line where the cursor is. How can I select all
lines using ctrl-A

Thanks and Best Regards,
Ahmad Ismail

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