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Re: Adding a completion file has created a delay in ZSH startup time

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 11:45 AM Peter Slížik <peter.slizik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've added ~/.zsh/completions to fpath:
> fpath=(~/.zsh/autoload ~/.zsh/completions $fpath)
> this seemingly simple change has added 1 or 2 seconds to ZSH start time.

This usually happens when compinit is invoked before and after you
modify fpath. The biggest offender here is Ubuntu. Its global zshrc
has this awfulness:

    # If you don't want compinit called here, place the line
    # skip_global_compinit=1
    # in your $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv
    if grep -q '^ID.*=.*ubuntu' /etc/os-release && [[ -z
"$skip_global_compinit" ]]; then
     autoload -U compinit

The solution is to add skip_global_compinit=1 to ~/.zshenv.

Naturally, you also need to ensure that your own rc files invoke
compinit only once, after all changes to fpath.


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