Hello, thanks for your insights, but I think you are kind of missing the point: I am already happy with what
less -f <(find ...)
gives me in terms of ux. Of course the output is generated continuously and it is stored in ram by less, having gigabytes of ram it doesn't really matters how much output is produced.
The only upgrade I was looking for was to be able to do ctrl-c to dispose of the command even when find had not yet produced enough output to make less satisfied, the infamous one screenfull of text.
your solution to use ctrl-z is good enough for that, given that no other solution seems possibile (except for the patch proposed by Vincent, but I can only cheer for that solution for now)
I fail to understand how it would help me to create a tmpfs and make the long running process write there instead of to a pipe. If the process doesn't produce output it will still hang the shell, doesn't it?