> FWIW, I zcompile my own rc files
What is the optimal way to compile a huge set of them? I've read Section 17 on zcompile, and it mentions "digest" files -- multiple files, containing named functions, where the .zwc is added to $fpath instead of the directory containing it.
It's trivial to set up an inotify watcher (Linux) or similar for other OSes ("brew install fswatch" seems to do fine on macOS) and recompile an entire tree on-modify. What I'm not aware of is any way to map dependencies between various scripts (e.g. "source A" → "source B" → "source C") such that when B changes, all of A/B/C get recompiled. In fact, due to the "source" keyword and Zsh internals, I'm not actually sure if it's even necessary or beneficial.