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Strange behavior when calling select-a-shell-word multiple times from the same user-defined widget

Hello zsh-users,

I'm trying to write a function that selects the nth argument in the
buffer. I would use it like `3gva` to select the 3rd argument.

Here's the widget I have so far:

function select-n-shell-word {
	if [[ -z "$NUMERIC" ]]; then NUMERIC=1; fi
	zle vi-beginning-of-line
	zle visual-mode
	zle select-a-shell-word
	for ((i = 1; i < $NUMERIC; i = i + 1)); do
		zle deactivate-region
		zle vi-forward-char -n 2
		zle visual-mode
		zle select-a-shell-word
zle -N select-n-shell-word
bindkey -M vicmd "gva" select-n-shell-word

Given the command line `echo these are arguments`, I would expect the
command `3gva` to select like this:

echo these[ are] arguments

and indeed that's what happens if I run the following commands
(emualating the for loop myself):

 - :vi-beginning-of-line
 - :visual-mode
 - :select-a-shell-word
 - :deactivate-region
 - 2:vi-forward-char
 - :visual-mode
 - :select-a-shell-word
 - :deactivate-region
 - 2:vi-forward-char
 - :visual-mode
 - :select-a-shell-word

Nevertheless, when I run the command `3gva` it selects like this:

[echo these are] arguments

Does anybody know what's going on here?


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