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Re: completion inside vared

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 3:09 PM Pier Paolo Grassi <pierpaolog@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> does anyone has some clue as to where I can find how to do this?

Been busy and didn't have a chance to respond before.

The _in_vared completer forces use of _value which calls _default.  A
side-effect of _default is that compctl completions are attempted.

So what you need is:
zstyle ':completion::complete:-value-*:*' use-compctl no

Or if you want it to be specific to vared, something like:
zstyle -e ':completion::complete:-value-*:*' use-compctl '[[
$funcstack = *_in_vared* ]] && reply=no'

which admittedly is a bit convoluted ... _in_vared probably ought to
be doing some style checks of its own rather than pushing everything
down to _value.

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