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Re: TRAPDEBUG vs zsh -x

On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 12:46 PM Zach Riggle <zachriggle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When using "zsh -x", we see all of the lines after they've been fully evaluated, but there's no way to add syntax highlighting sugar to these lines.

If you have a colorizing program that you want to use, you can do

# Silly example of colorizing
alias colorizing="grep --color '[A-Z]'"
exec 2>>(colorizing)

and the xtrace output will go through that.

> Are there any TRAPXXX functions which are passed the same text as "zsh -x" will emit (sans the $PS4 expansion).

No, there aren't.

You could play around with variations on this hack:

emulate zsh +x -c 'exec {stderr}>&2
 preexec() {
  integer in_preexec=1
  exec 2>>(colorizing)
  ((in_preexec)) || exec 2>>$stderr

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