I have made some modifications in _stow completion file.
I want to override /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_stow with $HOME/.dotfiles/.resources/zsh-dotfiles/zsh-custom-completions/_stow
I have put the following on my .zshrc
fpath=($HOME/.dotfiles/.resources/zsh-dotfiles/zsh-custom-completions $fpath)
print -rl -- $fpath output shows that the path is added.
Still it is calling the builtin completion file instead of the new completion file.
What can I do?
In case someone is interested, I have replaced (line 10)
local -a stow_pkg_list=( $stow_dir/*(-/N:t) )
local -a stow_pkg_list=( $stow_dir/.*(-/N:t) )