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Re: no wildcards/anchors allowed in pattern? ${f:s/pattern/_s&}

Sorry, didn't go to the list, agian...

> On 08/09/2022 12:56 zzapper <zsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This works for me and allows me to use memory '&' but I'm frustrated 
> that I don't seem to be able to use anchors / wildcards etc in the pattern
> f=dog.png ;echo $f '->' ${f:s/./_s&}
> dog.png -> dog_s.png
> the alternative syntax allows pattern to be a regexp but has no regexp 
> memory
> f=dog.png.png ;echo $f '->' ${f/%.png/_s.png}
> dog.png.png -> dog.png_s.png

The pattern expansion case has this syntax:

print ${foo/%(#m).png/_$MATCH}

Look up the "m" globbing flag.


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