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zkbd (was Re: key binding not working)

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 3:46 PM Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 0 /root/.config/geany/colorschemes 0 $ zkbd
> Enter current terminal type: [xterm-256color]
> We will now test some features of your keyboard and terminal.
> If you do not press the requested keys within 10 seconds, key reading will
> abort.  If your keyboard does not have a requested key, press Space to
> skip to the next key.
> Hold down Ctrl and press X: ^X
> Your Meta key may have a Microsoft Windows logo on the cap.
> Hold down Meta and press X: x
> Your keyboard or terminal does not recognize the Meta key.
> Hold down Alt and press X: ^[x#
> 0 /root/.config/geany/colorschemes 0 $ 3:44PM Sun 25
> execute: _

THAT should not happen.  It looks like something killed the function
and returned you to the top-level prompt.  Here's what I get (starting
after identical preliminaries):

Hold down Meta and press X: x
Your keyboard or terminal does not recognize the Meta key.

Hold down Alt and press X: ^[x


You are using zsh in MULTIBYTE mode to support modern character sets (for
languages other than English).  To use the Meta or Alt keys, you probably
need to revert to single-byte mode with a command such as

    unsetopt MULTIBYTE

(then more questions follow)

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