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Re: whence output varies with dot vs. realpath in $PATH

On 2022-10-31 06:43, Roman Perepelitsa wrote:

     % docker run -e TERM -it --rm zshusers/zsh:5.9 zsh
     # cd /usr/bin
     # PATH=.:$PATH whence -mavS zsh
     zsh is ./zsh
     zsh is /usr/bin/zsh

Does this look the way you want?
Better sure, the redundant line isn't there.

How do I get "zsh is zsh" in the output? Are you perchance on an old
version of zsh? Which one?
2 /usr/bin 1 $ zsh --version

zsh 5.8 (x86_64-debian-linux-gnu)

... maybe time for an upgrade?  Debian is always behind the times.


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