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Re: why is eval needed?

On 2022-11-19 08:48, Stephane Chazelas wrote:
And you're calling tree with only one "-L 2" argument while you
want to call it with 2 arguments: -L and 2.

Right, that's what I figured out.  The hard part is 'seeing' these invisible boundaries.  But I'm pleased with myself that I did sort it out.


Another option is

    local level='-L 2'

    tree $=level

Word splitting level gives the results you want

    Excellent.  Yes, that's understandable.  Main thing is to realize that 'tree' want's two arguments there, not the intuitive single argument.


You can do the reverse transformation--from array to scalar--like this:

    local array=(...)
    local scalar=${(@q)array}

... Finally I see a use of '(q)' that makes sense to me.

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