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Re: path PATH

On 2023-01-20 14:20, Bart Schaefer wrote:
Have you completely forgotten the lengthy thread (Subject: "typeset
-p" inconsistency) that we had the first week of last November?

Not completely, but perhaps some detail.  It was one of those things that swamped me with too much to learn too quickly. Anyway, all the other '-T' arrays show identical content for either version, only 'PATH path' has this issue AFAICT.  And only PATH path is reported as 'export -T' (as well as 'typeset -g -aT', but all the '-T' arrays have double entries tho only PATH path has that unique 2nd version).

$ typeset -p | grep --color=always -- '^export -T'
export -T PATH path=( . /aWorking/Zsh/System /aWorking/Bin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin )

... so it is unique.  Anyway it's a small thing but I'm wondering why only the one 'version' is ever shown.  If it was covered, pardon, I've forgotten that.

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