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RE: Help find Zsh' Bash `read -N1 -p "Put here " var

The snarky comments aren't well appreciated, zeurkous. Please don't chastise people for thinking GPT can do things it can't.

OP, GPT can't help you understand or accomplish this task. It's just a language model and it doesn't actually understand anything. It's been missold as this super app that knows everything.

What are you trying to do? Are you trying to read a single character from std. input into ${var}? (I opened the Bash operator's handbook to page... this thing https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Bash-Builtins.html and that looks to be what you were trying to do)

If I open `man zshbuiltins` and scroll down to the info for the `read` command I am told I can pass -k and a number to `read`. I think someone in this thread already mentioned that, without explaining how they got that.
Ellenor Bjornsdottir (she)
sysadmin umbrellix.net

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