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Re: Can't tell the difference in operation between PATH_SCRIPT and NO_PATH_SCRIPT

On 2024-01-26 11:17, Steve Dondley wrote:

Yes, I'm getting technically accurate information about this variable. But nowhere does the documentation give me any clue on how to use this setting in a practical way and why it might be useful to me.
Just to be devil's advocate, I don't think the manual is intended to do that -- however much is wish it was.

So next I search through the manual. I see ZDOTDIR listed in the “Parameters” chapter. I have no idea what a “Parameter” is. Is this an environment variable? And I don’t get any of my other questions answered.
Yeah, the jargon.  When I came over from DOS,  I tried desperately to find some doc: "Linux jargon for DOS-speakers".  It took me countless hours to figure out that a batch file is a script.  A variable is a parameter.  A switch is an option.  Then the cultural assumptions!  A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

I could go on. But my main point is that it feels like the documentation makes the assumption you know how a typical shell works and that you are familiar with the many common features between the different kinds of shells. That’s fine, but it feels like the documenation could put in a much better effort of at least giving you a bit more of a big picture clue if you don’t have one.

Couple this problem with wording that is stylistically like nails on a chalkboard  and you are in for a very tough slog. You have to have a huge amount of time on your hands to get through it.

You need to read Peter's book.  Even there, as an expert he can't help but have a hard time putting himself in the mind of a neophyte.  As I always say, help material is best written by someone who needs the help and just now figured it out and knows what it was they needed to hear.  Experts can't do that.

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